In Awake (2021), a mysterious event wipes out all electronics and plunges humanity into a sleepless state. A former drug addict and her young daughter may hold the key to finding a solution and preventing an apocalyptic end. As chaos ensues, they encounter a conspiracy theorist, a drug dealer, and a desperate race against time to survive.
In a remote village on the border of Iraq, a schoolteacher named Baran takes on the role of sheriff after the previous sheriff is killed. Baran faces challenges such as tribal conflict, violence, and the fight for justice in a society deeply rooted in tribal customs. Along the way, he encounters a female guerrilla leader, deals with drug trafficking, and must navigate the sexist attitudes towards women in the village.
Shankar Dada MBBS is a comedy movie about Shankar, a man who pretends to be a doctor and gets admitted to a medical college. Throughout the movie, he faces various challenges and hilarious situations while trying to keep his secret hidden. The film explores themes of love, friendship, and the importance of compassion.
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