A slave-turned-gladiator named Milo finds himself in a race against time to save his beloved, Cassia, who has been promised to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts, Milo must navigate the crumbling city of Pompeii and fight to survive, all while trying to rescue Cassia from her captor. In the end, Milo and Cassia are tragically consumed by the volcanic eruption, but their love remains eternal in the form of plaster casts.
The Horsemen tells the story of a young boy in rural Afghanistan who forms a bond with a majestic horse. Through their journey, he learns about honor, courage, and the complexities of his society.
In order to find out who's behind a cattle rustling operation that's hurting ranchers, a detective for the Cattleman's Protective Association pretends to be a tenderfoot from back east who's just arrived in the area and doesn't know how to ride, rope or shoot.
Harry & Snowman tells the remarkable tale of a horse ...
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