In the colorful Land of the Remembered, a young man named Manolo embarks on an incredible journey through the afterlife to save his true love, Maria. Along the way, he must face challenges, conquer his fears, and uncover the secrets of his family's past. With the help of his loyal friends and allies, Manolo discovers the power of love and the importance of following his heart.
Are there “deadlines” for children, careers and capitalism ? In this comedy series, four friends are starting to be confronted with social expectations after years of light-hearted, not so innocent fun.
Set in the shrine of French dance, the Garnier Opera house, L'Opera follows three characters whose dreams clash with reality, whose ambitions collide with expectations, and whose purity faces corruption.
Wesley Deeds is a successful businessman who seems to have it all, but his life takes a turn when he meets Lindsey, a struggling single mother. As Wesley helps Lindsey and her daughter, he begins to question his own life and the choices he has made.
A bucolic fantasy frolic in which an adaptable young woman must navigate a bewildering and whimsical phantasmagoria, populated by anthropomorphic and bombastic creatures. The characters she encounters, she discovers, reject established facts and knowledge in favour of: galvanising, albeit meaningless soundbites (often in the form of riddles and poetry), vigilantism and its blunt implementation of “justice” and cult-like acts of dissent. Ironically, leading these academic rebellions are the establishment figures themselves.
This 14-minute film is designed to create an atmosphere in which people can speak seriously and openly about their thoughts and feelings concerning sexual behavior. The film concerns the conflict a young couple faces because of their different attitudes toward sex.
Aswath's thirteenth birthday is the occasion. The celebrating family is confounded by Aswath's lack of enthusiasm towards the various gifts he receives. It turns out that Aswath has been harboring a surprising sentiment.
What if you love your child, but are unhappy in your role as a mother? Spijtmoeders is a documentary film about mothers who, if they could make the choice again, would rather not be mothers. Three women talk about their struggles with motherhood, the shame and guilt they feel, and the high expectations society places on them. The fear of judgment from others is great: what if people think that they are not a good mother, that they do not take good care of their child? What if they think they don't love their child? The mothers are represented by hyper-realistic dolls, but their voices are real.
Maciek is no longer a boy, but has not yet become a man. He wants to satisfy the ambitions of his father, and - as everyone in the family - be a butcher. But he is too sensitive to make an animal suffer. The boy directs all his warm feelings towards an old, neglected orchard - the only memory of his mother - and discovers his supernatural abilities.
Becoming Me is a film about three young women, Elli, Laura and Juulia. Each of them writes a blog on her life on the Internet, all of them sharing their lives with strangers. Each of them is struggling with the real or imagined demands and pressures of today’s society.
A teenage girl faces her obstacle in her love for a talented boy.
without a job, education or friend to rely on. Alex finds himself forgotten by society. However through help from an outside source will be be able to defy expectations and take those first steps in moving on?
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