The movie tells the story of Stephen Hawking, a Cambridge student who meets Jane and they fall in love. Stephen is diagnosed with a degenerative disease and decides to cut Jane off. Despite this, Jane insists on staying with him. They get married, have children, and Stephen's work gains recognition. However, Jane starts to lose her spirit and meets Jonathan, who she becomes attracted to. Jane and Stephen's relationship deteriorates, and they ultimately get a divorce. Stephen calls for Jane to accompany him in receiving a title from the Queen.
After her husband disappears, a woman reunites with him as a ghost and together they embark on a journey to various places, encountering new and old friends as they explore their relationship beyond death.
Maybe the 1960s, maybe the future. Seven astronauts wake up in a spaceship, not knowing where they have come from nor where they are heading. As the ship operates by itself, they have ample time to meditate, rather scientifically, on matter, life and the universe.
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