In a future where Earth is invaded by aliens called Mimics, a soldier named Cage is forced to relive the same day over and over again. With the help of a skilled warrior named Rita, Cage learns how to use his time loop to his advantage and ultimately defeat the aliens.
In 2014, aliens revealed themselves to request trade with humanity. In exchange for limestone, they would provide a consciousness-controlled general-use robot known as an "Exoframe." Cheaper than an aircraft, tank, or firearm, and easy enough for anyone to operate, the "Exoframe" spreads change throughout the world in the blink of an eye...
A team of scientists travel to a remote island to study its unique ecosystem, but they soon discover that the island is inhabited by giant mutated crabs. As the scientists struggle to survive and find a way off the island, they uncover the horrifying truth behind the creatures' origins and must find a way to stop them before they take over the world.
Arachnia is a horror movie about a group of soldiers and scientists who find themselves trapped in a remote cabin and forced to battle giant spiders. As they struggle to survive, they must also confront their own fears and secrets.
A brilliant, wheelchair-bound scientist invents a form of exo-skeleton called the Mechanically Augmented Neuro Transmitter Interception System (M.A.N.T.I.S.) that turns him into a superhero and gives him the ability to fight the crime wave that is engulfing his city.
A professor, who has been paralyzed in an attack by mob hitmen, builds a suit that enables him to walk and fight crime.
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