The Midnight Gospel is an animated series that follows a spacecaster named Clancy as he travels through the multiverse to interview beings and explore existential questions. Each episode takes Clancy to a different surreal and psychedelic world, where he engages in philosophical conversations and encounters strange creatures. Through his journeys, Clancy explores themes of life, death, spirituality, and the nature of reality.
The Man Who Sleeps follows a young man in Paris who feels disconnected and disillusioned with the world. As he navigates through his mundane life, he experiences an existential crisis and struggles to find purpose and connection. The film explores themes of loneliness, incommunicability, and the existential dilemma of modern urban life. Shot in black and white, the movie uses voice-over monologues to delve into the protagonist's thoughts and emotions, creating an experimental and introspective atmosphere.
Nearly 30 years-old, Hélène still looks like a teenager. She is the author of powerful texts with corrosive humor. It is part, as she says herself, of a "badly calibrated lot, not entering anywhere". Her telepathic poetry speaks of her world and of ours. She accompanies a director who adapts her work to the theater, she talks with a mathematician ... Yet Helene can not talk or hold a pen, she has never learned to read or write. It when she turns 20 that her mother discovers that she can communicate by arranging letters on a sheet of paper. One of the many mysteries of the one that calls herself Babouillec ...
A barrage balloon appears unexpectedly over a Bulgarian village during World War II. The startled villagers decide to knock it down with a fusillade yet the balloon flies off to the mountains. The villagers, armed to their teeth, set off after it. But they are not alone in this undertaking...
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