Valerie, a young girl, experiences a series of surreal and fantastical events during her week of wonders. Her journey involves encounters with vampires, demons, corruption, and sexual symbolism. Set in a dream-like world, Valerie must navigate through a web of manipulative behavior and uncover her own identity. This arthouse horror film combines elements of religion, occultism, and the exploration of female sexuality.
The Devils is a dark and provocative drama set in seventeenth century France, where an evil Catholic priest named Urbain Grandier wreaks havoc on a small town. Amidst political and religious turmoil, Grandier's lust for power leads him to manipulate and exploit the town's women, leading to mass hysteria and sexual perversion. The film explores themes of religious fanaticism, repressed sexuality, and the corrupting influence of power.
In 1499, a woman is accused of witchcraft and executed by burning. She returns from the grave to seek revenge on those responsible, using her supernatural powers to inflict terror upon a small village. As paranoia spreads and the body count rises, the secret passageways of a castle become the stage for gruesome acts of vengeance.
In the Canadian Northwest, the Chippewa tribe struggles to find food before the onset of winter.
A tribunal interrogates, tortures and murders "witches" and "heretics" during the Inquisition.
The Man with the Carnation (1980) tells the story of a former military officer who becomes a political prisoner during a time of political oppression. He is labeled as a political activist and is subjected to persecution by the communist party. The plot revolves around the political intrigue and activism surrounding his life, ultimately leading to his execution by fire.
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