Great Teacher Onizuka follows the story of Eikichi Onizuka, a former gang member who becomes a high school teacher. Onizuka is known for his unconventional teaching methods and his ability to connect with his delinquent students. The series explores the challenges and successes Onizuka faces as he tries to inspire and transform the lives of his students.
The Guardian is a TV show that follows the story of a guardian who navigates the complex world of the legal system to protect and advocate for children in need. Set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the protagonist deals with various challenges such as drug dealers, custody battles, and low-income communities. Through his work, he creates a difference in the lives of children and families while facing personal struggles and trying to reconcile his own past.
As a former gang member, Hazama Ichiban witnessed the worst side of the emergency medical system and vowed to become a doctor to change it. With the aggressive passion he learned on the streets, Ichiban has worked his way to becoming a no-nonsense emergency medicine resident. But it is this same passion that he must learn to control when confronted with a situation beyond his help.
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