Out of This World follows the story of Evie Ethel Garland, a teenage girl who discovers that her father is from another planet. She possesses supernatural powers, including the ability to freeze time, which she uses to navigate the challenges of teenage life in California.
A theater critic must choose between his career and his romantic relationships when his stepmother marries the playwright whose play he's planning to review.
In The End of the Day, a retired actor and a struggling actress find solace and companionship in the picturesque setting of the South of France. As they navigate their way through the challenges of aging and the theater world, they discover the true meaning of love, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness. Together, they face financial difficulties, memory lapses, and bitter rivalries, all while trying to stage a final theatrical performance that will leave a lasting impact. This heartwarming story explores themes of aging, love, and the power of the arts to bring people together.
Hand in hand with Gaston Pauls, Todos contra Juan is a series that aired in 2008 on the America channel. The story deals with the life of Juan Perugia, who was very famous during his adolescence for participating in the most successful youth soap opera in the 1990s.
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