Mum & Dad is a British horror movie that revolves around a dysfunctional family. The sadistic parents kidnap strangers and subject them to heinous forms of torture and abuse. The story unfolds as a young woman is taken captive and fights for her life against her deranged captors. The movie is filled with gruesome scenes of violence, gore, and psychological torment.
Wrinkles the Clown is a documentary comedy horror movie that explores the story of a mysterious and creepy clown named Wrinkles. Parents hire Wrinkles to scare their misbehaving children, but things take a terrifying turn when the legend of Wrinkles grows and he becomes an internet sensation. As his popularity rises, Wrinkles finds himself dealing with unexpected consequences and facing the darker side of fame.
Young cheerleader Ashley is adopted by her parent’s killers. Years later, during a home robbery, her crazed family reveal what they are really capable of and Ashley must decide who’s side she is on.
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