K-12 is a dark fantasy musical film that follows the story of a young girl named Cry Baby who enrolls in a sinister boarding school. She soon discovers that the school is controlled by an evil nurse and is a place of brainwashing and supernatural horror. With the help of her friend, she must fight against the patriarchy and uncover the truth behind the school.
Maria, a confused businesswoman, gets mistaken for an evil nurse and ends up in an insane asylum. She must navigate the chaos while dealing with a thief, magic, and mistaken identities.
Based on true events, tells the story of the Granny-Killer who muredered almost 50 old ladies in the 90s.
Nursie is a horror movie about a psychotic nurse who suffocates people to death. The story revolves around a brother and sister who become victims of the evil nurse's murderous rampage. The nurse is depicted as a mad woman with her mouth sewn shut, and she leaves her victims dead with their eyes open. As the siblings try to escape her clutches, they uncover a dark secret about their own family history.
Jamie Black looks into her mom's vanishing at Gladstone Manor by taking the same job. She finds clues about others missing and confronts otherworldly evil forces, suggesting her mother's disappearance is part of a larger sinister mystery.
Queensrÿche: Operation Livecrime is a concert film that follows the story of a heavy metal band in a near-future dystopia. The film delves into themes of corruption, economic inequality, and political radicalism. As the band performs, the audience is taken on a journey of love, deception, and sinister manipulation. Told in flashback and narrated by the protagonist, the film explores the consequences of ordering someone's murder, the influence of an evil nurse, and the struggle for freedom in a brainwashed society.
A woman in a coma tries to figure out what got her there.
A film about a people struggling with failure.
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