Cult is a thrilling TV show that follows investigative journalist Jeff Sefton as he delves into the mysterious disappearance of his brother and uncovers a murderous cult led by an evil cult leader. The show takes a dark turn when Jeff discovers that the fictional TV show he is investigating, also called Cult, has a disturbing influence over its viewers, leading some to commit heinous acts. As Jeff dives deeper into the world of Cult, he becomes entangled in mind control and must unravel the truth behind the show before it consumes him.
Koichi is an ordinary youth given extraordinary powers to fight a shadowy underworld of renegade psychics. Hidden in a forgotten desert lies the tower of Babel, created by an unknown force. As its successor, Koichi summons three psychic guardians and challenges Yomi, Leon and any other renegades brave enough to stand in his path.
After a traumatic past, a former musical prodigy seeks revenge on the people she believes have wronged her, leading to a twisted and gory journey filled with psychopathy and obsession.
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