In April 1945, a battle-hardened tank commander and his crew fight their way across Germany during the final push into Nazi territory. As they face the realities of war, including the atrocities committed by the Nazis and the loss of their comrades, their bond grows stronger and they become forces to be reckoned with. With their tank, Fury, they must hold a vital crossroads and face overwhelming odds as they make a last stand against the enemy. In the end, their actions are deemed heroic and their sacrifice is not in vain.
The Cold Blue is a powerful documentary that tells the story of the brave men who risked their lives flying B-17 bomber planes during World War II. The film explores the challenges and dangers they faced as they carried out daring air missions and fought against enemy forces. Through interviews, archival footage, and personal accounts, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the sacrifices these airmen made and the impact they had on the outcome of the war.
Explores the story behind the first Black tank regiment, to participate in action during World War II. It focuses on the two major fights they faced, the expansion of Nazism in Europe and racism, persecution, and injustice at home.
Ralph Rush, a Scout in General George S. Patton's World War II Intelligence & Reconnaisance Platoons went from digging up German mines to being the first American to enter the Ohrdruf Concentration Camp; the first concentration camp liberated by the Allies.
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