Northern Lights is a heartfelt film that follows the story of a recovering alcoholic novelist who finds solace and redemption while navigating the challenges of love, family, and mental health. Set in the northern lights of Manchester, the film delves into themes of anxiety, loneliness, and the power of compassion.
A chronological look at the creative life of Luchino Visconti (1906-1976). It examines his theatricality, role in the neorealist movement, use of melodrama, and relation to decadence. It touches on the impact of a fabulously wealthy childhood, his writing for "Cinema," his politics, his work with Renoir, his appreciation of Thomas Mann, and his deep knowledge of literature and the arts. Visconti moves constantly between film and the theater, staging plays provocatively, working with Maria Callas at La Scala, and shooting films in theaters. Clips from his films and interviews with actors, crew members, and critics provide details for this portrait of creativity.
A musical film about human relationships and how today's working life and the pressures of our surroundings can lead a person to the point of exhaustion.
A documentary about film director Luchino Visconti
Presents a series of clips, love scenes taken from softcore films made in the 60s and 70s, and articulates the history and evolution of lesbian portrayals as they contrast to gay and straight cultures of the times.
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