Adults in the Room is a drama film based on the memoir by Yanis Varoufakis, recounting his experiences as the Finance Minister of Greece during negotiations with the European Union. The film explores the political and financial turmoil faced by Varoufakis, as well as the impact of austerity measures and the Greek debt crisis.
This Is Not a Coup (2016) is a documentary that delves into the financial crisis in Europe, focusing on the role of the European Central Bank. It explores the impact of the crisis on various European countries, the power dynamics involved, and the consequences for the overall financial system. The film sheds light on the decision-making processes of the European Union and the challenges faced by Irish politicians, as well as the political and economic implications of the crisis in Italy. With a critical lens, the documentary examines issues such as austerity measures, banking system corruption, and the effects on democracy and national economies.
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