Inspector Rex is a German television series about a police dog in the Austrian capital of Vienna. The original series aired from 1994 to 2004, and was resumed in 2008, after a six-year hiatus. The show follows the German Shepherd police dog named Rex, his partner, Detective Inspector Richard Moser, and their investigation of crimes in Vienna. Rex helps Moser solve crimes by using his keen sense of smell and tracking abilities. The show combines elements of mystery, drama, and action.
In the present, a teenage girl reads a memoir about the Grand Budapest Hotel, a once-glorious establishment in a war-torn country. The story follows the hotel's lobby boy, Zero, and the eccentric concierge, Gustave, as they navigate a murder accusation, theft, and a chase with an assassin. Amidst the chaos, they uncover the truth and Gustave is proven innocent. The story ends with the hotel's decline and Zero's dedication to preserving its memory.
Two young people meet. A fateful encounter - the proverbial love at first sight. He is Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary, she is Elisabeth von Wittelsbach, Princess of Bavaria and the sister of the woman Franz is to marry.
Multinational immigrants traveling from the old continent to the new encounter a nightmarish riddle aboard a second ship adrift on the open sea.
The likes of Antoine de Caunes, Jean Paul Gaultier, Davina McCall, and Lolo Ferrari are your guides to the weird and wonderful in Europe and beyond. How else would you learn about pubic hairdressers, the Penis Olympics, or the latest Japanese sex toys?
England, 1705: Framed for murder and on the run with her sisters, Nell Jackson turns her hand to highway robbery to survive. Aided by her superpowered sidekick, a plucky little sprite called Billy Blind, Nell realizes that fate has put her on the wrong side of the law for a reason. A reason much bigger than she could have ever imagined: to defeat a magical plot against the Queen of England.
An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic but mysterious wellness center in the Swiss Alps, but soon suspects that the spa's treatments are not what they seem. As he investigates further, he uncovers the dark history of the spa and its connection to an ancient baron's experimentations on the villagers. With the help of a young woman named Hannah, he fights against the sinister director of the spa to expose the truth and escape with their lives.
Two friends who run a food truck in Barcelona get involved in a conflict when they meet a woman in need of their help. They must use their martial arts skills to protect her from henchmen and rescue her from a mental institution.
Exposed as an ex-Russian spy, an American single mom must juggle family life and unique shape-shifting skills in a battle against an insidious enemy.
Hotel Beau Séjour follows Kato, a young woman who wakes up in a hotel room to find her own dead body. With no memory of what happened, Kato embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind her murder and bring her killer to justice. Along the way, she discovers dark secrets and hidden connections in her small town, leading her to question her own identity and the people she thought she knew.
Bloodride is an anthology horror series that takes place on a haunted bus ride in Norway. Each episode tells a different story and explores various themes of horror. The passengers on the bus experience supernatural phenomena and terrifying events as they journey through the dark and mysterious Scandinavian landscape.
The film follows the eccentric and larger-than-life Baron Munchausen as he embarks on a globetrotting adventure, battling monsters, encountering surreal situations, and telling fantastical stories. With the Ottoman Empire and European mythologies as the backdrop, the Baron's journey takes him to the moon, where he faces off against a goddess and a Turkish army. The movie is a dark comedy filled with steampunk elements, satire, and surrealism.
When a rookie Interpol agent gets involved in a drug-trafficking case, she teams up with a tough cop to take down a ruthless drug-smuggling gang in Bucharest, Romania. As they chase leads, they find themselves in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the criminals, facing explosions, brutal fights, and a building on fire. The cop, driven by revenge, unleashes his inner action hero to become a one-man army against the gang.
In the year 2041, a female detective named Em investigates the murder of a couple in central Europe. The case takes a twist when a restoration team restores one of the victims back to life. As Em delves deeper into the investigation, she realizes that the case is more complex than it appears, with political implications. 'Restore Point' is a visually inventive and thought-provoking film that challenges the notion of technological progress.
A journey back in time to the turmoil of the 1980s, when the Brabant Killers sowed terror in Belgium. %s In 1980, a young woman, her brother, and his best friend set off on the adventure of adult life. Brimming with good intentions, they embark on a promising future. Vicky as a law student at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Marc and Franky as recruits with the Belgian Gendarmerie. But in the years that follow, they each lose their innocence and illusions. Just like their whole country, they sink deeper and deeper into a swamp that came to be called the Nijvel Gang.
Inspired by the life of Lucio Urtubia, a former bricklayer turned anarchist, this drama follows his journey from humble beginnings to orchestrating an ingenious counterfeiting operation against one of the world's largest banks. As Lucio navigates the European anarchist movement, he faces the ultimate dilemma of choosing between his cause and protecting himself.
The trials and tribulations of a man diagnosed with colorectal cancer who refuses treatment and establishes a carnal fixation on the tumor that slowly siphons the life out of him.