Mischief Night (2006) is a comedy drama that explores the themes of racial segregation, reconciliation, and prejudice. It follows the story of individuals from different racial backgrounds on Mischief Night, a night when pranks and mischief are traditionally carried out. Through humorous and heartfelt moments, the film portrays the challenges and complexities of race relations, interracial friendships, and the importance of overcoming racial stereotypes.
In April 1992, following the notorious Rodney King verdict, the streets of Los Angeles became a battlefield, the backdrop to four personal intertwined stories.
Octobre is a drama film that depicts the events of the October Crisis in Quebec in 1970, when a group of Quebecois separatists kidnapped a British trade commissioner. The film explores the ethnic conflict, terrorism, and political tensions surrounding the crisis.
In 1970s Quebec, a French-Canadian man finds himself falsely accused of terrorism during the FLQ crisis and imprisoned under martial law. The film explores the impact of the war measures act and the Quebec separatist movement on his life.
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