In a small Sicilian village, a teenage girl named Luna falls in love with a boy named Giuseppe. When Giuseppe mysteriously disappears, Luna embarks on a dangerous journey to find him. With the help of a ghost who haunts the village, Luna uncovers a dark secret and must confront her fears in order to save Giuseppe.
Father and Son is a thought-provoking film that delves into the intricate dynamics of a father-son relationship. Set against the backdrop of existential loneliness and pain, it explores themes of memory, friendship, and isolation. The film follows a male protagonist who embarks on a secret mission in search of his missing father, experiencing a series of haunting nightmares and facing his own inner demons along the way. As the story unfolds, it intertwines elements of surrealism, religious symbolism, and homoeroticism, offering a unique cinematic experience.
A young man wakes up in a dingy bathroom, where the lifeless body of a woman lies in a tub full of flowers. He doesn't know what he's doing here and tries to escape the nightmare he's woken up in.
While walking through the woods at dusk, a man makes a disturbing discovery.
Morrigan Thompson-Milam's directorial debut is a gruesome tale of an alien using a human girl to wreak havoc on a group of unsuspecting earthlings.
Robin Pecknold brings light to the bleakest of winters with Fleet Foxes’ ‘A Very Lonely Solstice,’ a 13-track career spanning collection recorded in December 2020, at Brooklyn, NY’s St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church.
A college student finds a mysterious letter under his door telling him that everyone in the world has moved on to a different continuance. He is faced with the difficult decision to follow them or stay behind to protect the Earth.
A short film shot on 16mm about memory, grieving, and siblinghood.
This expressive and experimental short film by Iain Delavan features two distinct emotionally significant videos, broken up by an ethereal synthetic universe. Quoted by Delavan as "the best thing [they] have ever made", this film has many layers hidden underneath the seemingly simplistic surface.
Three outcast queer teens runaway from society.
Deep within an English garden under a dark canopy of trees, other-worldly powers are at work which soon become a theatre for a malevolent puppeteer.
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