Sister of Mine is a provocative drama that explores the complex relationship between two half-sisters. The film delves into themes of incest, sexual perversion, and the consequences of forbidden desires. Set against the backdrop of a train journey, hidden cameras capture the secret world of these sisters as they navigate their taboo relationship. With elements of dark secrets, cocaine use, and voyeurism, Sister of Mine takes viewers on a captivating and shocking journey.
In the desert outside Cactus Gulch, Arizona, Buzzard and Betty Jean Wall live in a trailer decorated in Hawaiian themes. Betty's trying to get pregnant. Buzz wants to market "Cammo," a sun block lotion that looks like camouflage; but financing is tough to find and Betty thinks he should get a real job. Buzz's half-brother Turkey, a murderous psychopath, escapes from jail, comes to the trailer, ties up Buzz, kidnaps Betty, steals $10,000 they've just won from Publisher's Clearing Hut's Lucky Loser drawing, and heads for Mexico. Buzz is untied by Maya, an ex-girlfriend who's now a TV reporter in search of a story. They pick up Turk's trail and set out to rescue Betty.
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