Darker Than Night (2014) is a horror thriller film that revolves around a haunted estate and the terrifying supernatural visions experienced by its occupants. The story follows a group of individuals who decide to spend the night in the old house, only to be haunted by disturbing visions and paranormal activities. As they uncover the dark secrets of the estate, they must confront their worst fears to survive.
A newlywed couple moves into an old manor house, only to discover that they are being haunted by a supernatural curse. The husband begins to experience terrifying visions and the wife is subjected to a horrifying ghostly rape. They seek the help of a solicitor to uncover the dark secrets of the house and put an end to the curse.
A man named Robert Griffin seeks revenge after he is rendered invisible by a mad scientist. Using his newfound power, he sets out to wreak havoc on those who wronged him. As he goes on a murderous rampage, a newspaper reporter tries to uncover the truth behind Griffin's invisibility and stop him before more lives are lost.
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