White Lightnin' is a biographical drama-thriller that follows the story of Jeremiah, a tap-dancing hillbilly from Appalachia. Jeremiah, plagued by his troubled past, gets caught up in a web of drugs, alcoholism, and violence. Determined to seek vengeance, he embarks on a music tour that leads him into a downward spiral of huffing, escape into the woods, and sadistic torture. As he becomes a killer and a cop pursues him, Jeremiah's journey takes a dark and twisted turn.
Yesterday follows the lives of complete strangers in the middle of a zombie outbreak. As each person struggles to survive we find their actions begin to affect the lives of others around the dying city, culminating in a stand off at the local grocery store. There, the remaining survivors decide to band together and flee to the wilderness. Once camp is built however, they find that the living dead are not the only danger as they begin to turn on one another in a struggle for power and control.
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