In Windstorm 2, a teenage girl named Mika forms a strong bond with a wild stallion named Windstorm. Together, they embark on a series of adventures and face challenges such as competition, theft, and the recovery of an injured horse. Mika also deals with various relationships, including her relationship with her grandparents, her father-figure, and her boyfriend. The movie explores themes of family, love, and the special bond between humans and animals.
The Chef's Wife is a drama-comedy film that follows the life of a woman trapped in an unhappy marriage to a renowned chef. She yearns for a change and decides to embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking a new purpose and happiness. As she explores her passions and forms new friendships, she must confront the challenges and complexities of love, infidelity, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. With a backdrop of mouth-watering gastronomy, this film takes viewers on a heartfelt and entertaining journey of rediscovery and empowerment.
In 'The Horse Boy,' a father named Rupert experiences a transformative journey with his autistic son, Rowan. Seeking alternative methods of therapy, they travel to Mongolia where they encounter the healing power of horses and shamanism. Through their quest, they hope to find answers and improve Rowan's condition. The film explores the deep bond between a father and son, the challenges of living with autism, and the power of nature and spirituality in the healing process.
The story of Astral, champion show jumping and his path to national competitions.
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