Tulsa is a gripping drama that takes place in the 1920s during the oil boom in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The story follows a strong female protagonist who finds herself caught in a romantic rivalry between two oil barons. As the oil industry thrives, she must navigate the greed, ambition, and betrayal that surround her. Along the way, she encounters native American land owners, environmental impacts, and a race against time to save the town from a devastating oil field fire.
This documentary explores the devastating effects of the agriculture and meat industry on the environment, including deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and species extinction. It also delves into the ecological destruction caused by fishing and the use of toxic chemicals in farming. The film highlights the urgent need for environmental regulation and the adoption of sustainable practices.
Under the Dome explores the devastating effects of air pollution and highlights the urgent need for environmental regulation and social responsibility. It exposes the corruption and subterfuge surrounding the issue, examining the detrimental effects of industrialization and coal mining on public health, including premature death and illness such as lung cancer. The film focuses on major cities like London, Los Angeles, and Beijing, and calls for political and economic reform to reduce emissions and protect the environment.
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