An ancient Egyptian princess named Ahmanet, who made a pact with Set, the god of death, to gain power, is awakened from her crypt beneath the desert after being buried alive for centuries. With malevolence grown over millennia, she seeks to unleash chaos and terror upon the world. U.S. Army Sergeant Nick Morton and archaeologist Jenny Halsey must stop Ahmanet before she achieves her goal of resurrecting Set and ruling over humanity. Along the way, they encounter undead slaves, supernatural powers, and a hidden secret organization dedicated to containing evil forces.
A psychic woman helps the police track down a psychopathic killer who is on a murder spree. As the body count rises, the psychic's premonitions become more disturbing, revealing dark secrets and a sinister plot.
Beneath Us follows a group of undocumented workers who become trapped and held captive by a wealthy couple while trying to sell a house. As the workers struggle to escape, they face racism, violence, and the horrors of the American Dream gone wrong.
After inheriting a mansion, a woman discovers dark secrets from her past that lead her to a treasure hunt, supernatural powers, and encounters with ghosts and demons. As she unravels the mysteries, she must confront her own mental illness and the horrors that have haunted her family for generations.
The beautiful young Sushila is forced into a political marriage with young Pharaoh Nemorat in order to consolidate power. However, the young Pharaoh is beset with mental illness and the marriage becomes dangerous, all the while the chief advisor Kefren and his scheming mistress plot to destroy the unstable pair.
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