Olympic Dreams is a heartwarming romantic comedy set in the backdrop of the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea. The film follows the story of a gay athlete who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and love as he competes in his chosen sport. Along the way, he encounters various challenges, including an age difference romance, a memorable dentist visit, and unexpected party experiences. With its themes of LGBTQ+ representation, cultural exploration, and the pursuit of dreams, Olympic Dreams is a delightful and entertaining film that captures the spirit of the Olympic Games.
A poor shoemaker and his wife have only a stale donut and a cup of coffee left to share. An elf drops by, and they offer to share with him. He teaches them (in song) to dunk the donut in the coffee. Later, as they sleep, he brings several other elves back, and they work through the night making shoes in humorous ways. The shoes are a success. Soon, the shoemaker and his wife are quite prosperous. They treat the elves to a feast of donuts and coffee, and the elves treat us to another chorus of "Dunk! Dunk! Dunk!".
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