Black Rain follows a tough New York cop, Nick Conklin, who accidentally allows a Japanese gangster to escape custody, leading to an internal affairs investigation. In order to capture the criminal, Conklin travels to Osaka, Japan, where he must navigate through a language barrier and a culture clash. Along the way, he teams up with a Japanese detective and gets entangled in the dangerous world of the Yakuza. As the stakes get higher, Conklin must fight to bring the criminal to justice before it's too late.
In The In-Laws, a dentist named Sheldon Kornpett is pulled into a world of espionage and danger when he discovers that his daughter's fiance, Vince Ricardo, is a secret agent for the CIA. Sheldon is reluctantly drawn into Vince's world as they embark on a mission to stop an armored car robbery and save the country from a dangerous international conspiracy. Along the way, they encounter sniper fire, henchmen, and even an encounter with the US Mint. Will Sheldon survive this crazy adventure and make it back in time for his daughter's wedding?
A cop goes undercover to infiltrate and break up a counterfeiting ring.
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