Goodbye, Mr. Chips is a heartwarming drama that tells the story of Mr. Chips, a dedicated teacher who has a profound impact on generations of students at a British public school. Set against the backdrop of the early 20th century, the film follows Mr. Chips as he navigates his personal and professional life, facing challenges and triumphs along the way. Through his unwavering dedication to his students, Mr. Chips proves that one person can make a lasting difference in the lives of many.
Can you be loyal to two nations? It's the question posed to the Anglo-Irish class of the 1930s. Landed Protestants with English accents, growing up in a newly independent, Catholic, and staunchly anti-English Ireland. This doc takes a personal look at this historical identity crisis, rich in contradictions. Tracking one family's fortunes the film explores how, as Irish nationalism took hold, this individualistic family fought to stay in Ireland.
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