Happy End is a dark comedy that revolves around a dysfunctional wealthy French family. The story explores themes of boredom, emptiness, infidelity, and depression. It touches upon topics such as euthanasia, the European refugee crisis, religious extremism, and terrorism. The plot follows the family members as they navigate their personal struggles and dark secrets.
In Lilies of the Field, a wandering construction worker offers his services to a group of nuns who are hoping to build a chapel in the Arizona desert. Despite their initial doubts, the worker's perseverance and the nuns' determination bring them together to fulfill their shared goal. The film explores themes of faith, resilience, and the power of community.
El Norte follows the story of two siblings, Rosa and Enrique, who are forced to leave their home in Guatemala after their family is killed by the military. They embark on a perilous journey to the United States, facing numerous challenges and dangers along the way. The film explores the themes of immigration, the American Dream, and the harsh realities faced by undocumented workers. Despite the hardships, Rosa and Enrique strive to achieve a better life and find their place in a new country.
In the near-future world of 2025, a deadly virus has enslaved humanity. The regime in power uses religious propaganda to maintain control and persecute those who oppose them. A courageous freedom fighter rises against the totalitarian regime, sparking a rebellion that will determine the fate of humanity.
Docudrama encouraging immigrants to master English and become successful, assimilated Americans.
A young father, his twelve-year-old daughter, a night club, two secrets and a lie that will solve everything.
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