9 is set in a post-apocalyptic world where machines have wiped out humanity. The story follows a rag doll named 9 who awakens to find himself in a decimated world. He discovers a group of other rag dolls, each with a unique number on their back, and together they must unravel the mystery of what happened to humanity and find a way to defeat the evil machines.
In the year 2174, Bower and Payton wake up on a spaceship to discover their colleagues missing. They need to find out what's happening and fix the reactor to save the ship. Along the way, they encounter pale humanoid creatures called The Hunters who hunt and feed on humans. With the help of Nadia, Shepard, and Manh, they navigate through the ship's corridors filled with danger and try to survive. As memories return, they realize the mission was to colonize an Earth-like planet called Tanis. Will they be able to fix the reactor and reach their destination?
Life After People: The Series delves into the fascinating possibilities of a future where humanity has vanished, showcasing the gradual decay of our cities, landscapes, and even iconic landmarks. This thought-provoking documentary examines the impact of our absence on wildlife, nature, and the environment.
Saikano is a story about a high school couple, Chise and Shuji, who are deeply in love. However, their lives are torn apart when Chise becomes a super weapon in a war between nations. As the war progresses, Chise's powers increase and her humanity deteriorates, leaving Shuji to grapple with the loss of the girl he loves.
In the aftermath of a global nuclear war, the residents of Australia await their inevitable demise as the radiation cloud slowly approaches. Amidst this bleak landscape, a submarine crew arrives in Melbourne, bringing hope but also the realization that the end of the world is inevitable.
Life After People explores what would happen to the world if humans suddenly vanished. It shows the gradual decay and reclamation of cities, nature's takeover of man-made structures, and the unprecedented resurgence of wildlife.
Set in a provincial town, 'The Ugly Swans' takes place in a dystopian future where genetic mutation and paranormal phenomenon threaten humanity. A gifted student, living with her father, a writer, uncovers a hidden portal to another dimension. As she delves deeper into the mysteries of the forbidden city, she discovers sinister plots involving chemical weapons, alien invasions, and the end of mankind. With the help of a group of scientists and philosophers, she must unravel the truth and prevent the catastrophe that looms over humanity.
In Robot Monster, a monster from outer space, known as Ro-Man, threatens to destroy humanity. Ro-Man has been sent by an alien race to exterminate all human life. He uses various weapons, including a death ray, to attack humans and destroy their cities. However, a scientist named Professor Norton discovers a serum that can kill Ro-Man. With the help of his daughter and a group of survivors, Professor Norton sets out to save humanity from Ro-Man's evil plans.
Aftermath: Population Zero is a documentary film that imagines the aftermath of human extinction. The film explores how nature would reclaim cities, what happens to domesticated animals, and the changes in weather patterns in a world without humans. It examines the possibilities of an ice age, the overpopulation of certain animal species, and the decay of man-made structures.
With a catastrophic event rapidly approaching, 18 people vie for 10 spots in the small town's only bomb shelter.
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