Bao is an animated short film that tells the story of a Chinese-Canadian woman who is struggling with empty nest syndrome. After making a batch of dumplings, she is startled when one of them comes to life. The dumpling grows into a baby boy and she raises him as her own. However, as he grows older, she struggles with letting him go and eventually learns to let him live his own life.
Enough Said is a romantic comedy that tells the story of Eva, a divorced masseuse who falls in love with Albert, a man she meets at a party. However, when Eva discovers that Albert is the ex-husband of her new client and friend, Marianne, she is faced with a dilemma. Should she continue her relationship with Albert, or should she let go of him to maintain her friendship with Marianne?
An Unexpected Love is a heartwarming story about an older couple that finds themselves in a marital separation after their children have left home. As they navigate the challenges of starting over, they discover the excitement of rekindling an old flame and explore new possibilities through internet chat.
In Nothing But Trouble (1944), a family faces various challenges and comedic situations during the time of World War Two, including rationing, meat shortages, and the struggles of the Great Depression. The plot revolves around their attempt to navigate these difficulties while maintaining their sense of humor and love for each other.
Dona Lurdes is a mother and housewife who is suffering from empty nest syndrome when her last child leaves home. To escape her loneliness, she goes in search of new ways to fill her days and her life. Due to her thirst for new things, Dona Lurdes will live new experiences, build friendships and new love.
Empty Nest is a heartwarming and humorous movie that explores the struggles and triumphs experienced by a couple as they navigate the empty nest syndrome. It delves into the complexities of their relationship, the adjustments they have to make, and the profound impact it has on their lives. With a mix of comedy and drama, Empty Nest beautifully captures the joys and challenges of this new phase of life.
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