Tiger Theory is a dark comedy that tells the story of a man who rebels against the hypocrisy and oppressive behavior of his society. The protagonist, Jan Berger, is a cynical middle-aged man who becomes disillusioned with his life and the people around him. He decides to revolt against the societal norms and expectations placed upon him, leading to a series of comical and absurd situations.
When a veterinarian finds himself trapped in an emotionally abusive marriage, he must find a way to escape the toxic relationship. With the help of his friends, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and freedom.
After being released from a mental hospital, Otto returns to his old job as a butcher. He tries to adjust to his new life, but after a bitter argument with his wife, he accidentally kills her. Fearing he will be sent back to the hospital, he grinds up her body and sells it as sausages. As friends and relatives start asking questions about her disappearance, they too start ending up in the butcher's display case.
Come in. Have a drink. DIE. When Bobby accidentally kills his wife before a get together at their home, he stops at nothing to hide the evidence from the arriving guests, even if it means murder.
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