Hollywood Game Night is a comedic television game show where celebrities compete in various party games to win a grand prize of $25,000. Each episode features different celebrity guests who participate in games such as charades, trivia, and word play. The show is filled with laughter, cheers, and entertaining moments as the contestants face off in a friendly competition.
ZeroZeroZero follows the journey of a massive cocaine shipment from the Mexican cartels to the Italian mafia to an American crime family, as they all fight for control of the lucrative drug trade. The series explores the complex dynamics of organized crime, police corruption, and the consequences of choices made in the pursuit of power and wealth.
After losing his job, a man becomes desperate and starts eliminating his competition in order to secure a new position. The situation escalates when a murder is attempted and he must deal with the consequences.
Zeitgeist: Addendum is a documentary that presents a critical view of the global financial system, exposing corruption, exploitation, and the negative consequences of corporate power and greed. It delves into topics such as economic theories, the banking system, modern-day slavery, and the impact of globalization. The film also explores the interconnectedness of various issues such as environmental exploitation, government corruption, and human suffering.
When a surgeon finds himself at the center of a series of deaths, he must uncover the truth before he becomes the next victim. As the body count rises, he is drawn into a dangerous game of deception and betrayal.
A discussion of the economic and political ideas presented in the book "The Incredible Bread Machine".
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