Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! follows the story of an introverted college student named Shinichi Sakurai who prefers to be alone. However, his solitude is interrupted by Uzaki Hana, an eccentric and energetic girl who loves to socialize and hang out. Despite his initial reluctance, Shinichi gradually discovers the joys of friendship and the excitement of stepping outside his comfort zone.
Like Father, Like Son (2013) is a Japanese drama film that explores the theme of fatherhood and family relationships. The plot revolves around two families who discover that their six-year-old sons were swapped at birth. The film delves into the emotional journey of the two sets of parents as they navigate the complexities and challenges of raising a child who is not biologically theirs. Through this story, the film explores themes of identity, class differences, and the meaning of fatherhood.
Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year follows the story of Harpreet Singh Bedi, a fresh graduate who joins a sales company but finds himself disillusioned with the dishonesty and cutthroat competition. Determined to do things differently, Harpreet starts his own company and learns the importance of honesty and ethical business practices. With the support of his colleagues, he navigates through challenges and setbacks to prove that success can be achieved without compromising one's integrity.
In this humorous animated short film, a man attempts to hook up his home theater system but encounters various obstacles and challenges along the way. With slapstick comedy and goofy characters, the film showcases the struggles of modern technology and consumer electronics.
Crossing Hennessy is a lighthearted romantic comedy set in Hong Kong. It explores the complicated relationships between two individuals from different backgrounds and their journey to find love and happiness.
A traumatized woman, haunted by the death of her husband, becomes overprotective of her son. She installs a baby monitor to constantly watch his activities. As her obsession grows, she delves into delusion and paranoia, leading to tragic consequences.
Love and a .45 is a 1994 crime thriller movie set in Mexico, focusing on a dark romance between a couple involved in murder, drugs, and betrayal.
In this comedy of errors, two grocery store customers get entangled in a series of escalating retaliations after a misunderstanding over a broken pocket watch. Their innocent pranks soon escalate into a full-blown battle, causing chaos and destruction in the store. With each retaliation becoming more outrageous than the last, the two customers must find a way to put an end to their feud before it causes even more mayhem.
Cálico Electrónico: La Serie Flash was a series of Flash animations created by Nikodemo Animation in 2004. Set in 'Electronic City', its protagonist is a superhero far from the 'classic' hero profile: a short, chubby and not-powered Spanish man ('aspañol' as is called in the series). He risks his life time and again to save the city, using gadgets picked up at the Electronicaweb store. A chapter usually develops this way: a monster or a criminal attacks the city, Cálico tries to stop it (always unsuccessfully), goes to Electronicaweb, gets a new gadget and saves the day. Some "bloopers" are displayed during the credits, at the end of the episode. Although the series displays many humorous events, the episodes include much Spanish foul language, so viewer discretion is advised. Even though Cálico is the main character, many side series have run with it, featuring many characters from the original series.
Bodies, Rest & Motion is a movie set in Arizona during the 1990s. It follows the story of a salesman who embarks on a journey, encountering love, fraud, and self-discovery along the way.
Louis, a salesman, becomes famous after appearing on a fictional reality show. He experiences the highs and lows of fame, loneliness, and stardom while navigating relationships and the media frenzy.
How to Avoid Everything is a comedy that follows the story of a 16-year-old girl as she deals with teenage life, including babysitting, student debt, and an ex-girlfriend. The movie explores themes of friendships and self-discovery.
In Mexico, Daffy Duck is the owner of an electronics store where Speedy Gonzales and his friends are celebrating Speedy's birthday by playing music on Daffy's merchandise...
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