Like Father, Like Son (2013) is a Japanese drama film that explores the theme of fatherhood and family relationships. The plot revolves around two families who discover that their six-year-old sons were swapped at birth. The film delves into the emotional journey of the two sets of parents as they navigate the complexities and challenges of raising a child who is not biologically theirs. Through this story, the film explores themes of identity, class differences, and the meaning of fatherhood.
An insurance investigator tumbles onto a series of similar deaths, by brain hemorrhage, of patients of a psychiatric clinic in France where therapy involves a device which can implant visual imagery in the minds of patients, ostensibly to help them relax.
A doctor spends 24 hours in a clinic with a group of patients. Each character has his or her own story to tell, about their fathers, mothers, or spouses who don't understand them, and how they've turned instead to drugs.
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