In the distant future, Earth is overrun with garbage. WALL-E, a waste-collecting robot, discovers a plant and falls in love with EVE, a robot sent to find vegetation. They journey to the spaceship Axiom, where humans living in hover chairs are oblivious to their surroundings. WALL-E and EVE must save the plant from the ship's autocratic autopilot, return it to Earth, and teach humans how to heal the planet.
Micmacs is a quirky comedy about a man who seeks revenge on an arms dealer. He forms a team of misfits with unique inventions to carry out his plan, leading to hilarious and unexpected outcomes.
A young street magician in Los Angeles uses his skills to save his kidnapped sister from a dangerous drug dealer.
Bulldog Marc Anthony, guarding a construction site, finds a kitten, Pussyfoot, to whom he affectionately gives a wiener for lunch. A hungry grown cat sees and is determined to have the wiener.
Tony and Brad investigate the murders of politicians and scientists. They soon face off against a team of super hit women with their usual flair.
2565 AD. Tom and Jerry are once again manipulating robot versions of themselves in space. Tom experiments with invisibility, a giant electromagnet, and explosives, with results from bad to disastrous.
A physics student who feels like he missed out on the girl of his dreams gets a second chance when he travels back in time to the night they first met.
In 'Compressed Hare', Bugs Bunny creates a series of genius devices to outsmart Wile E. Coyote, who is determined to catch him. From rabbit holes to vacuum cleaners and electromagnets, Bugs Bunny always manages to escape in the nick of time.
"All sounds travel in waves much the same as ripples in water." Educational film produced by Bray Studios New York, which was the dominant animation studio based in the United States in the years surrounding World War I.
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