Eating Raoul is a dark comedy that follows a husband and wife who, after getting fed up with their degenerate neighbors, embark on a cannibalistic venture to make money. As they lure unsuspecting swingers to their apartment, they kill and rob them. However, their plans are complicated when they meet Raoul, a locksmith, who becomes entangled in their web of murder and lust.
The Last Horror Film follows an obsessed fan who becomes infatuated with an actress and stalks her at a film festival in Cannes, France. As his horniness escalates, he becomes increasingly delusional and starts fantasizing about undressing and stripping the actress. He takes a trip to France, hoping to get closer to her, but his behavior becomes increasingly erratic and dangerous. The film features scenes of knife-wielding, a hot tub with a woman in it, and a taxi driver who plays a key role in the plot. It also includes elements of a film within a film, with the protagonist daydreaming about being the actress's love interest. In the climax, the protagonist plots to electrocute the actress in a bathtub, but his plan backfires, and he ends up electrocuting himself in a hot tub instead. The movie ends with a freeze frame of the protagonist's dead body. Throughout the film, there is a recurring theme of sexual attraction and the protagonist's inner voice narrating his thoughts and desires. The Last Horror Film is considered a video nasty and explores themes of obsession, stalking, and the blurred line between reality and fantasy.
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