Mirai follows the story of a young boy named Kun, who feels forgotten when his little sister Mirai arrives. But one day, he discovers a magical garden that allows him to travel through time and meet his relatives from different eras. Through these encounters, Kun learns valuable lessons about family, love, and growing up.
In 1961, Rudolf Nureyev, a brilliant young Russian ballet dancer, defects to the West, shocking the world. This movie explores his journey as he rises to fame, battles with his sexuality, and becomes one of the greatest male ballet dancers of all time.
In 'The Toy,' a wealthy billionaire's spoiled child, Eric, is given a new toy- a journalist, Jack. The journalist reluctantly takes on the job, but soon realizes that Eric is in dire need of life lessons and friendship. As they spend time together, Eric begins to learn about empathy, the value of friendship, and the importance of understanding others. Through their adventures, both Eric and Jack undergo personal growth and discovering the true meaning of life.
A young boy obsessed with trains sneaks out to play with the real trains that run just a few feet from the fence around his house. When he falls off of one and is knocked unconscious, he has a dream.
As a family moves into their new country home, strange events occur, making them believe that their autistic daughter is somehow communicating with the victims of an unsolved murder 8 years earlier.
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