French Twist is a hilarious French comedy about a love triangle set in the beautiful region of Luberon in Southern France. The story follows the lives of Loli, a bisexual estate agent, Marijo, an elderly prostitute, and Laurent, a naive and unsuspecting husband. With surprising twists and turns, the film explores themes of infidelity, betrayal, and the complexities of human relationships.
The Moon in the Gutter is a surreal and dark crime thriller that takes place in the slums of Marseille, France. The story follows a man named Gerard who becomes obsessed with finding his sister's killer. As he delves deeper into the world of crime and prostitution, Gerard's own sanity starts to unravel.
Backdoor is a powerful drama that follows the story of a teenage boy who finds himself drawn into a world of political oppression and sexual curiosity. Set in the 1960s during the Greek military dictatorship, the film explores the protagonist's journey of sexual awakening, revenge, and rebellion against the regime.
Includes a number of street interviews with prostitutes regarding their lives, customers, the atmosphere, the tension and the danger surrounding the business.
A portrait of three of the UK's mature prostitutes who sell sex in hotel rooms and their homes.
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