Felix, a horny young man, encounters an enticing woman who moves in with him and becomes his teacher in the art of sex.
Orphans follows the story of a dysfunctional family in Glasgow. After the death of their parents, the four siblings find themselves struggling to cope with their grief and face their own personal demons. As they navigate through their complicated relationships, dark secrets are revealed and tensions rise, leading to a series of unexpected events that will test their bonds as a family.
Long Nights Short Mornings is a film about a man's journey through the relationships he forms with women, exploring themes of love, lust, and infidelity. The story follows the protagonist as he navigates the complexities of modern romance, facing challenges such as drug addiction, unfaithfulness, and the consequences of his own actions.
Mia is a drama film that explores the complexities of a toxic relationship with elements of psycho-sexuality. It delves into themes of exhibitionism, rough-sex, BDSM, and the impact of a woman's masochistic tendencies.
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