Detention is a comedy horror movie set in a high school where a group of students find themselves stuck in detention. As they try to pass the time, they discover a mysterious time-traveling bear and uncover a plot to destroy the world. With a mix of absurdism and horror, Detention is a wild ride filled with teenage angst and suspense.
In Pretty Persuasion, a teenage protagonist in a private school manipulates others through sexual harassment allegations, leading to a series of events that reveal dysfunctional family dynamics and societal issues.
In the fictional kingdom of Ruritania, a young princess named Sophie learns important life lessons and faces challenges while navigating the complexities of her noble upbringing. Along the way, she pretends to be a gardener, escapes a restrictive palace life, and encounters a bad king. This coming-of-age story is based on 19th-century Czech literature and is filled with romantic songs, mistaking identities, and fairy tale elements.
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