In King Lear (1987), a film editor finds himself captivated by the writings of a renowned playwright. As he delves deeper into the playwright's works, his own life starts to mirror the themes of power, virtue, and the complexities of human relationships. Set against the backdrop of the 1980s and the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, this film explores art, inspiration, and the blurred lines between reality and fiction.
Three friends on spring break hit and kill a transient in the California desert. Will they keep silent or turn on each other?
Ron Peck talks about his experiences of growing up as a gay man, the attitudes to homosexuality in Britain, and his journey towards making his film "Nighthawks".
Retrospective on the history and the evolution, thanks to the technical progress, of the press filmed since the beginnings of the cinema in 1895 until 1943.
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