Set in the Arizona Territory, this drama follows the life of Wyatt Earp, a renowned lawman who must navigate the violent world of the Wild West. With gunfights, a stagecoach chase, and a cast of colorful characters, Frontier Marshal is a thrilling ride through the American frontier.
Wilson is a biographical comedy-drama film that tells the story of Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States. The film explores Wilson's personal and political life, including his presidency, his stroke, and his role in World War I.
The Seven Little Foys tells the story of Eddie Foy, a vaudeville performer, and his struggles to balance his career with his family life. Set in the late 19th and early 20th century, the movie follows Eddie as he navigates the challenges of show business, a growing family, and the changing times. With a mix of comedy, drama, and musical numbers, The Seven Little Foys is a heartwarming tale of love, laughter, and the enduring bonds of family.
Lillian Russell rises to fame as a singer and actress in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Her signature song captivates audiences, but her personal life is marred by scandal and hardship.
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