Set during the Clone Wars, the TV show follows the adventures of various characters, including clone troopers, Jedi knights, and Sith lords, as they engage in battles and missions across the galaxy.
Intruders is a miniseries that explores the unsettling phenomenon of alien abductions. Set in the 1990s, the story follows the lives of various individuals who have been chosen as the unwilling subjects of experimental reproductive procedures performed by extraterrestrial beings. As the truth behind the abductions begins to unravel, a government conspiracy is revealed, leading to a desperate struggle for survival. With themes of secrecy, manipulation, and the struggle for reproductive rights, Intruders delves into the depths of the human experience.
A psychological thriller about a research biologist who, angered when an associate is given a position over him based on stolen research findings, agrees to assist his former professor in a cloning experiment in which a duplicate of himself is created -- and which then, with a mind and will of its own, falls in love with the biologist's wife.
The wife of a research geneticist agrees to the experimental procedure of a 'test-tube baby' by having her fetus brought to full term in a glass jar in a laboratory.
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