Little Man Tate tells the story of a seven-year-old boy named Fred, who displays exceptional mathematical abilities and is considered a child prodigy. As his intelligence becomes more evident, Fred's mother struggles to balance her desire for her son to lead a normal childhood with providing him with the educational opportunities he needs. The movie explores themes of rejection, classism, and the challenges faced by gifted children in society.
AWOL follows a young woman who falls in love with a mysterious older woman and decides to leave her small town life behind in rural Pennsylvania to join the army. As their relationship deepens, she finds herself torn between her love for the woman and her duty as a soldier. The choices she makes will have lasting consequences for her and those around her.
Filmmaker Judith Helfand's searing investigation into the politics of “disaster” – by way of the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave, in which 739 residents perished (mostly Black and living in the city’s poorest neighborhoods).
KPIX's Emmy Award winning People's 5 report with Don Knapp from November 24th 1979, on the lifestyle and and political ambitions of the gay community in San Francisco.
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