Polish Wedding is about a Polish-American family living in Detroit. The film follows the story of Hala, a headstrong woman who is unhappy in her marriage. She becomes involved in an affair with a mysterious stranger, resulting in a pregnancy. As Hala's family prepares for her sister's wedding, they are faced with their own secrets and struggles. The film explores themes of family, love, cultural traditions, and the challenges of relationships.
In 1960 South America, a lonely Holocaust survivor becomes convinced that his new neighbor is Adolf Hitler. Frustrated by not being taken seriously, he embarks on an independent investigation to gather evidence. As the evidence remains inconclusive, he is forced to establish a relationship with his neighbor to obtain undeniable proof.
As the last day of class draws to a close, headstrong high school senior Derek sets out in search of his first set of wheels. Meanwhile, his colorful gang of pals, lead by muscle car driving Shaden, make their plans for the first night of summer vacation.
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