Set It Up is a comedy and romance movie released in 2018. The story revolves around two overworked and underpaid assistants, Harper and Charlie, who work for high-powered bosses. They hatch a plan to get their bosses off their backs by setting them up with each other. As Harper and Charlie spend more time together trying to orchestrate this matchmaking, they discover that they may have feelings for each other as well. The movie showcases the ups and downs of their journey to balance work, love, and finding their own happiness.
Sam is a young stand-up comedian and au pair struggling with PTSD, who is weighing whether or not to join the search for Brooke, a missing girl she used to nanny.
Revanche follows the intertwining lives of a brothel worker, her ex-con boyfriend, and a police officer, as their paths collide after a bank robbery goes wrong. Love, revenge, and redemption drive this gripping crime drama.
In the near future, a man's life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes involved with a humanoid robot. As he navigates the complexities of their relationship, he discovers the true meaning of love and humanity.
Buzzard follows the story of a slacker scam artist named Marty Jackitansky, who spends his days working a dead-end job and his nights engaging in various acts of antisocial behavior. When Marty's scams start to spiral out of control, he finds himself trapped in a web of deceit and violence that he may not be able to escape from.
A woman in Victorian England defies the norms of her time by rebelling against societal expectations.
A long-married couple hits a rough patch.
Manu enjoys the loneliest vacation of his life.
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