Mai Mai Miracle is a nostalgic and beautifully animated film about two children, Shinko and Kiiko, who become friends and embark on a magical adventure in their small town. As they explore the enchanting world around them, they also discover the importance of family, friendship, and hope. With stunning visuals and a heartfelt story, Mai Mai Miracle captures the essence of childhood and the power of imagination within 500 characters.
Bad Girls from Valley High is a dark comedy about a group of high school girls who unwittingly incur a curse that causes them to age prematurely. As they navigate through the chaos that follows, they must also confront murder, jealousy, and the moral consequences of their actions. With plenty of slapstick comedy and unexpected twists, the girls find themselves in a web of guilt and regret, as they try to unravel the mystery and escape the curse.
In 'Just Desserts,' a talented pastry chef competes in a baking competition while navigating a romantic relationship and overcoming challenges. The plot is filled with humor, romance, and mouthwatering desserts.
Rose, a mute woman, seeks revenge and justice after enduring years of abuse and violence. She becomes a vigilante and takes matters into her own hands, targeting those who have harmed her and others. As she embarks on her journey, she uncovers dark secrets and encounters a series of horrifying events that test her strength and determination. Will Rose be able to find redemption in her quest for vengeance?
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