A young boy named Bastian finds a mysterious book called 'The Neverending Story' and is transported into a fantasy world. There, he embarks on a quest to save the Childlike Empress with the help of a warrior named Atreyu. As Bastian reads the book, he becomes more and more immersed in the story, eventually realizing that his imagination has the power to bring the fantasy world to life.
To add flavor to her rock soup, the Fat Broad commands Wiley, Peter, Thor, etc. to catch a turkey. The problem is that no one knows what a turkey is except for the turkey himself. In spite of this, the chase is on. Mostly a series of running gags, this animated special did a superb job of capturing the humor of Johnny Hart's B.C. comic strip.
Some scientists challenge the meteor impact theory as the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs. This program lays out the evidence and considers alternative explanations. The program also points out that many of the plant animal families that are in danger now survived the KT extinction suggesting the beginning of a new mass extinction. But even if we avoid a mass extinction changing climatic cycles will give humans trouble in 10,000 years when a new ice age cause glaciers to expand all over the Earth. Or, for North Americans, the Yellowstone super volcano is overdue to eruption.
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