Balloon is a gripping drama based on the true story of two families who escaped from East Germany to West Germany in an improvised hot air balloon. Set in 1979 and 1989, the film follows a group of friends, including an electrician and a physicist, as they meticulously plan their daring escape. Tensions rise as they evade the Stasi and border patrol officers, with their lives hanging in the balance.
Enigma is a gripping movie set during the Cold War, involving spies, the CIA, and an enigma machine. The story follows a renegade lawyer who gets involved in a dangerous game of espionage as he tries to uncover the truth behind a seductive plan. With twists and turns, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
A beautiful East German Olympic hopeful pole-vaults over the Berlin Wall to freedom.
Tracing a decade of East German football, survivors of the Cold War tell a story of betrayal, murder, and manipulation in a revealing insight into how the Stasi secret police saw football as more than a game.
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