Life is a biographical drama that follows the life of a Hollywood film star in the 1950s. It explores the struggles, successes, and relationships of the protagonist as he navigates the challenges of being a movie star in that era. The story delves into his career, friendships, and personal life, giving viewers a glimpse into the world of Hollywood during that time period.
The world-famous Cockettes enact Tricia Nixon's wedding to Edward Cox on June 11, 1971. Hurtme O. Hurtme, television correspondent, covers the wedding and interviews celebrities in attendance such as Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Jacqueline Onassis, Queen Elizabeth, and Elizabeth Taylor. Coretta King sings. During the reception, Eartha Kitt puts LSD in the punch. All hell breaks loose.
Quanto Mais Samba Melhor is a Brazilian comedy film from 1961. The plot revolves around a group of people who are determined to put on a samba show. With hilarious mishaps and unexpected twists, they navigate the challenges of organizing the event and making it a success. With catchy music, lively dance numbers, and a dose of humor, this film will keep you entertained from start to finish.
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